Do you know this woman? (2/11/21)

Throughout our almost 15 years together, I have fairly regularly woken up from naps on the couch to a text message from Dave.  They are usually pictures of a very haggard-looking woman, usually in a triathlon race shirt and shorts, on our couch.  Sometimes she's sleeping (sometimes there's drool), sometimes she's browsing the web on a phone or ipad, and sometimes she's just watching tv. Sometimes there is a cat.

I have no idea who this poor woman is, but she's kind of a hot mess (and clearly very tired). I'd like to share in case you may know her.

Some disclaimers as you scroll:  

  • The tired woman is not, and has never been a smoking pirate.
  • The tired woman does indeed have staring contests with the cat.
  • The tired woman is a fan of  "The Handmaid's Tale".
  • The tired woman is not a cat. 
  • The tired woman still doesn't smoke. 
  • The tired woman is not a chicken.
  • The tired woman is the only person in the world still using ITunes.
  • The tired woman does not wear a snorkel when not snorkeling.
  • It was NOT porn. 
  • Again - NOT PORN.
  • The tired woman is not a toucan. 
  • The tired woman does not have a beard (even after a year in quarantine).
  • The tired woman is not one of the fairies from Sleeping Beauty.

Need a family portrait? I know a guy. 

