Introvert ISO Social Media Debate Proxy
I am currently accepting applications for an intelligent, qualified debater to take my place in social media discussions.
I will provide my views and beliefs and the proxy will mold those views and beliefs into devastatingly witty/sometimes funny/always debate-ending responses for social media discussion participation.
Responses must be submitted to me for review prior to posting - no going rogue with my beliefs, please and thank you!
Job Requirements:
- Must have at least 1 year of high school debate training.
- Must be available whenever a relevant facebook discussion begins amongst my facebook friends (more availability is required during an election year, obviously).
- Must be well versed in politics (or willing to google).
- Must be proficient in
- Must thoroughly enjoy constant frustration and conflict (specifically social media conflict).
- A strong sense of sarcasm is not required, but is greatly appreciated.
- Responses must always be respectful to other parties. Although, in a few (very select) cases, I am ok with making somebody cry a little bit.
The position is voluntary. You will simply earn the benefit of knowing that you helped a poor introvert express herself (and you might get to make somebody cry).
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